Search results for "gosneenot, gosneenota'"

gosneenot, gosneenota' v cook Gosneenot na' hoona. I cooked eggs. Gosneenota' na' limna. I cooked acorn drink.

goosinmi adv slowly Goosinmi mokeela gosneenota' xataashi. The woman cooked the food slowly. Taa noono' goosinmi hewet'an'. That man is walking slowly. (sem. domains: - Slow, - Work poorly, - Move slowly.)

shit'i', shit'i'in adj delicious (cf. taste good) Bech'eech'at shit'i' xatash lameesaw. The delicious food is cooling down on the table. Gosneenota' shit'i'in xataashi. She cooked delicious food.